This chapter dealt with the definition of terms that could be construed differently in an argument. An example where a definition would be needed is the definition of a "small car" in a parking space labeled for "small cars only" in order to avoid a misunderstanding with owners of automobiles such as compact luxury vehicles, light trucks, and motorcycles. This chapter provides three different types of definitions used in arguments: formal definitions, operational definitions and definitions by example. Formal definitions are definitions you could find in a dictionary. Operational definitions are created by the conditions that surround the term or by what it does. Definitions by example use individual members that fall under the term to define the term (like defining smart phones by listing the major examples).
The part of this chapter that I chose to discuss more thoroughly is the section about operational definitions. I chose it since it was the one that had the most variance, and could thus, be the hardest one to understand or identify. Basically, the argument arises when people disagree on the conditions that are included in the term or if the conditions have been filled. The example given in the book is where an offensive sexual manner towards another may not qualify as harassment unless if the action is unwanted, unsolicited, and repeated technically. These conditions may be argued, however, if the offender thought that the sexual interest was mutual or wanted by the offended.
By reading about operational definitions, I thought about how many of these kind of arguments are surrounded in my life. For example, my roommate was studying last weekend, and I was listening to music. I thought that I was not disturbing her, but after a while she told me that I was being loud. I thought at first that she was being sarcastic, since my music was fairly quiet in my opinion, but after I realized that she was irritated, I politely grabbed some headphones and listened to my music that way instead. We had different conditions on the term "quiet", and in her argument, being able to hear music, even at a low volume, was prohibited.
Another example of an operational definition is how when I was younger, my parents told me to get ready for school. My definition of "ready" was simply to be bathed, clothed, have brushed teeth and hair, and to be waiting to get in the car. Theirs was to be bathed, in nice looking clothes, wearing shoes, with brushed teeth and hair, dried hair, have all of the items I wanted to take to school at hand, a full stomach, and waiting in the car for them. Since the conditions of the term "ready" were different for both of us, the definition is an operational one.